Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki has replaced all current regional commissioners in the eight regions, formerly provinces, and ordered the redeployment of County Commissioners (CCs) in several counties.

CS Kindiki made the announcement on Friday as he appointed new Regional Commissioners (RCs) to take over from those appointed during President Uhuru Kenyatta’s tenure, effective immediately.

 “To enhance service delivery, the following personnel changes have been made at the Ministry of Interior and National Administration with effect from today 31st December 2022,” read the statement.

“All Regional Commissioners have been recalled to the Ministry Headquarters for further deployment.”

The new RCs appointed include; Rhoda Onyancha for the Coast region, John Otieno (North Eastern), Paul Rotich (Eastern), Fredrick Shisia (Central) and Dr. Abdi Hassan for the Rift Valley region.

Others are Samson Irungu for the Western region, Florah Mworoa for Nyanza and Katee Mwanza for Nairobi.

The CS at the same time installed Anne Ng’etich who is the current Secretary for Administration in the State Department for Lands and Physical Planning as the new Principal Administrative Secretary (PAS) in his ministry.

Makueni County’s incumbent  County Commissioner Beverly Opwora County took over as the Secretary for National Administration while her counterpart in Wajir, Jacob Namulen was appointed the new Secretary for Peace Building.

Likewise, Prof Kindiki appointed Tom Anjere and William Kaimba as the new County Commissioners for Kisii and Makueni respectively.

Felix Watakila took over as the new Kajiado County Commissioner.

By Fred Azelwa.