President William Ruto assured Kenyans Sunday that his administration is working towards lowering electricity tariffs.

Speaking during a New Year’s church service at Siloam Ministry, Bamburi, Mombasa County, the head of state observed that the Kenya Kwanza government will prioritize low-income earners and manufacturers once the tariff review process kicks off.

“In three months, we will have public consultation to ensure that we have tariffs that are affordable to those at the bottom of the economic pyramid and our manufacturers.” said President Ruto

At the same time, the President said the government will work to end Kenya’s debt burden, which was affecting service delivery. He encouraged Kenyans to plant trees to reverse the adverse effects of climate change.

The president was in the company of First Lady Rachel Ruto and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir among other leaders.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.