The Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome has said a probe is underway to bring to book goons who on Monday raided opposition leader Raila Odinga’s East Africa Spectre Limited gas plant and an expansive land owned by former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s family.

The goons invaded the Kenyatta family land along the Nairobi Eastern Bypass on Monday morning, cut down trees and made away with sheep, hours after which Odinga’s gas company was attacked and a number of windows shattered.

Through a statement on Tuesday, IG Koome said police received reports of invasion at the Embakasi-based plant and “responded swiftly and prevented further crimes.”

“Our investigation into the destructions and injuries caused has begun, and those found culpable shall face the law,” said Koome.

The invasions happened on the day Odinga led the second anti-government protests in Nairobi, during which protesters engaged in battles with the police.

Law enforcement officers used teargas to disperse protesters, and people lost their lives and others were injured in the mayhem.

According to Koome, the protesters meted violence against the police during the demonstrations he maintains were unlawful, leaving 23 officers injured.

“Property of unknown value was destroyed in Nairobi, including two police motor vehicles and 23 Officers that were injured,” he said while condemning the violence and property destruction.

“We are appealing to the public to adhere to the rule of law when exercising their Constitutional rights to picket, petition or demonstrate. Meanwhile, we commend our Officers for discharging their duties with utmost respect for the rule of law as demonstrated by their restrain during the unlawful protests,” the police boss said.

After a day, police were on Tuesday mid-morning finally deployed to the Kenyatta family land to the sight of several temporary iron sheet shacks erected by the invaders, as well as what appeared to have been a subdivision on the land.

The existing irrigation system on the land was also uprooted, and the pipes were then used to fence the land parcels.

Odinga has since blamed  Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua for the destruction.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.