Increased economic hardship is President William Ruto administration’s biggest failure according to a poll by research firm Tifa.

According to the poll, 41 per cent of Azimio La Umoja One Kenya alliance supporters think that economic hardship is Ruto’s biggest failure.

The poll further shows that 35 per cent of the Kenya Kwanza coalition supporters thinks the same.

Failure to keep campaign promises was second at 21 per cent among Azimio supporters followed by Kenyans(14 per cent) and Kenya Kwanza (10 per cent).

Increased corruption and dropping of major corruption cases came in third with Azimio folowers(10 per cent) and Kenya Kwanza at nine per cent.

This is followed by increased public debt at number four and education problems at number five.

“In terms of its perceived failures, there is widespread agreement that continuing if not increasing economic hardship is at the top of most Kenyans’ minds, though it seems that much of the content of “campaign promises” that are considered yet to be fulfilled is also of an economic nature,” the statement reads.

The poll was a household-based face-to-face survey conducted between March 11-19, with more than 2,065 randomly selected respondents.

By Fred Azelwa.