The government has committed to searching for Mau Mau veteran Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi’s remains buried inside Kamiti Maximum Prison for reburial.

President William Ruto made the announcement on Saturday during the burial of Field Marshal Mukami Kimathi in Nyandarua County, saying the independence war hero deserves a decent national burial.

The President spoke after a request by other Mau Mau heroes who said Kimathi was buried with his body in chains while at the prison, and therefore his body should be exhumed and given a befitting sendoff at his home.

“Mzee ameongea kwa kirefu na amesema wanataka mwili ya Kimathi mahali ilizikwa kwa sababu ilizikwa kwa aibu kubwa; kama amefungwa minyororo kama mhalifu ilhali alikuwa shujaa wa kupigania uhuru wetu wa Kenya,” President Ruto said.

“Ninakubaliana na nyinyi, serikali ya Kenya itaungana na nyinyi tutafute mahali huyo shujaa alizikwa kwa aibu tumtoe pale ili tumpatie heshima inayotoshana na shujaa ambaye alipigania uhuru wa taifa letu la Kenya.”

The Head of State assured of the government’s commitment to honouring both its pre and post-colonial heroes, intimating that his administration would also set up a Ksh.50 million museum in the region to commemorate freedom fighters.

“Tayari tumeweka Ksh.50 million ya kujenga museum ya Mau Mau, na waziri ako hapa atakubaliana na nyinyi vile hiyo museum itajengwa. Watu wa Mau Mau, lazima tuweke historia yetu sahihi na kweli,” he stated.

Likewise, the President said the current museum in Uhuru Gardens would also be refurbished to include the historic contributions of the Mau Mau as a way of preserving the country’s history and culture.

He consequently promised to ensure that the families of the Mau Mau fighters are also taken care of, further assuring those who do not have title deeds that his administration will award them the same before the end of the year.

“Mambo haya mliyoyasema ya title deeds, hapa Nyandarua, Nyeri, na sehemu zingine. CS Zachariah Njeru ako na muongozo kamili that before December this year, titles zote za colonial villages na mahali pote Mau Mau wanaishi tutakuwa tumekamilisha na tutakuja tuwapatie muweze kuishi kama watu wengine,” he said.

The late Kimathi is believed to have been killed by the British in 1957 after being captured in 1956.

He is also believed to have been buried inside the Kamiti prison although his grave was never found.

By Fred Azelwa.