Kenya’s Generation Z are yet again set to express their undying determination in opposing the Finance Bill 2024 with a new set of demonstrations planned to run for the next week.

From #OccupyParliament hashtags to #OccupyStateHouse and #JusticeForRex, the youth have continued to be dynamic in their online presence with this time coining yet another hashtag, #totalshutdown.

A poster widely shared on social platforms revealed that the youth will be undertaking a seven-day protest which they say is meant to show solidarity for their slain colleague and also push the government to heed the plight of Kenyans by rejecting the Bill which has since sailed through the second reading.

Dubbed ‘7 days of rage’, the demonstrations will also serve as a warning to Members of Parliament who voted in support of the Bill on Thursday against the will of their respective constituents and will also coerse multi-agency bodies to probe incidences of police brutality meted out by protesters.

“We reject the Finance Bill in its entirety. And despite our peaceful protests, police have responded with bullets, killing two of our own, maiming many others and one person is in critical condition. We refuse to be silenced, so we’re marching on,” read a section of the poster.

On Friday, June 21, the youth are set to visit the City Mortuary, attend Juma prayers at Jamia Mosque, and give water to those leaving after the prayers.

On the second day, Saturday, June 22, the youth have extended a unity call to bars and clubs that Gen Z frequent, where music will stop at midnight and everybody will listen to a national crescendo of, ‘Ruto must go, and Reject Finance Bill’.

Sunday, June 23 will see a number of activities including holding into account the 204 MPs who voted in support of the Bill in churches. The Gen Zs plan to rally churches to deny the said MPs platforms to address congregants.

Monday will see a courtesy call stating, “Endelea hivyo hivyo!’ made to the MPs’ who supported the bill at their respective constituency offices and their constituents would be urged to boycott any businesses affiliated with them. The youth also plan to mount support by collecting signatures in order to recall them.

The notice says that Tuesday will mark the second #occupyparlimentprotest where GEN Zs warn of a ‘Total Shutdown’ of the country through a nationwide strike.

” Gen Zs are granting all hard-working Kenyans a day off. Parents keep your children at home in solidarity,” stated the notice.

Gen Zs on Wednesday will be leading a call to action demanding justice for the death of Rex who was killed during Thursday’s protests in Nairobi. They are expected to visit IPOA offices and also the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome.

Next week Thursday will mark the climax of the protests where Gen Zs have warned that they will block main roads leading to Nairobi and march to State House under the slogan #occupystatehouse  Being the day President William Ruto is expected to sign the Finance Bill into law, Gen Zs say they will be going to ‘witness Ruto sign our lives into slavery’.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.