Kenya National Private Security Workers Union (KNPSWU ) Secretary General Isaac Andabwa has thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for announcing a 12 percent minimum wage increase for Kenyan workers to cushion them against further bites of the weakening local currency.

While speaking in Lumakanda on Monday, Andabwa said the President understands the pain Kenyan workers are undergoing while purchasing basic goods with their meagre wages.

He regretted that sudden rise in the cost of living due to increased inflation from 5 to 6 percent had made life difficult for most Kenyans and that the President saw it fit to cushion workers through a hiked minimum wage of 12 percent.

Andabwa who is also seeking to be elected as Lugari Constituency Member of Parliament in August General Election noted that for the last two years, Covid-19 ruined the Kenyan economy which resulted to job losses, salary cuts and immeasurable general suffering among the workers.

“I thank you Mr. President for what you have done for working Kenyans, even if it is a small increase but you have demonstrated the deep interest you have for Kenyan workers,” Andabwa said.

The KNPSWU Secretary General however asked Kenyan employers to comply with President’s directive to effect the wage increase immediately.

Andabwa pointed out that private security firms where he represents are always hesitant to honour set minimum wage increment.

“Even the last 18 percent minimum wage increment which we were given sometimes back, most of my workers whom I represent have not benefitted,” Andabwa revealed.

Andabwa called on the Private Security Regulatory Authority CEO Fazul Mohammed to ensure private security firms comply with President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive.

He said enforcement of Security Regulation Act 2016 and mandatory enforcement of minimum wage base for all private security providers was necessary.

While presiding over celebrations for this year’s Labour Day at Nyayo National Stadium on Sunday, the President in his speech noted that for past three years, there has been no review of the minimum wages with the increased cost of living.

The President assured workers, farmers and general Kenyans that the Government had taken sustainable measures to cushion them against higher global cost of living.

By Fred Odanga Azelwa.